Grievances and appeals in Virginia
You or your approved representative can file a grievance or appeal at any time.

Let us know if we missed the mark
You may want to file a grievance if:
To appoint a representative to act on your behalf, please provide your written consent. Your representative can be a friend or family member, your doctor, or an attorney.
Directly submit a grievance by logging into the secure member portal or the Sydney Health mobile app. You can find Grievances under the Support tab. You can also submit a grievance by phone at 800-901-0020 (TTY 711) or by fax at 855-832-7294. Please send your written request by mail to:
Grievance and Appeals Department
HealthKeepers, Inc.
P.O. Box 62429
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
You can appeal within 60 days if your service gets denied
If we deny, reduce, or end treatment or services, we’ll send you a Notice of Adverse Determination. It will:
You, or your approved representative, can appeal the decision.
Directly submit an appeal by logging into the secure member portal or the Sydney Health mobile app. You can find Appeals under the Support tab. You can also submit an appeal by phone at 800-901-0020 (TTY 711) or by fax at 855-832-7294. Please send your written request by mail to:
Grievance and Appeals Department
HealthKeepers, Inc.
P.O. Box 62429
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Request for appeal forms
If you’d like to appeal in writing, please use one of the forms below:
Request for Appeal Form (English)
Request for Appeal Form (Spanish)
Authorized Representative for Managed Care Appeals (English)
Authorized Representative for Managed Care Appeals (Spanish)
Have questions?
Check your member handbook or live chat with a representative in the Sydney Health app.