Managing Caregiver Stress And Burnout

Aug 07,2024

Read Time 9 Minutes

Caregiving can be a rewarding job, but it’s natural to sometimes feel overwhelmed. As a caregiver, it’s important to stay aware of how you’re feeling so you can take steps to avoid caregiver stress and burnout and stay well for the sake of yourself and those relying on you.

Recognizing Caregiver Burnout


Caregivers often help with things like daily hygiene, meal prep, housework, care and medication management, transportation, and health advocacy — just to name a few. They may also be working another job, caring for children, dealing with financial problems, or coping with mental health issues

With all that, it may come as no surprise that over 60% of caregivers will experience symptoms of caregiver burnout. That’s why it’s important for caregivers and those around them to keep an eye out for signs of stress and burnout so they can take action to address it as soon as possible. Symptoms of burnout that a caregiver may experience include:

  • Feeling consistently anxious, lonely, or overwhelmed.
  • Increased irritability or frustration.
  • Frequent headaches or other pains.
  • Changes in weight or sleep patterns.
  • A loss of interest in personal hobbies or other activities.

If left unaddressed, these symptoms could potentially worsen or evolve and end up affecting the caregiver’s overall health and their ability to care for others.


Balancing Caregiving With Self-Care


There are things you can do as a caregiver to prevent burnout and help manage any ongoing stress, including:

  • Ask for help. Whether with caregiving duties or other responsibilities, if something can be taken off your plate, it leaves more room for your own self-care.
  • Set realistic expectations. Take time to prioritize certain tasks, including self-care, and understand that may mean saying “no” to certain requests, if needed.
  • Prioritize your health. Schedule preventive appointments with your doctor and connect with a mental health professional to talk about any issues you may be having. Getting good rest, eating well, and staying hydrated can also help you feel your best.
  • Make time for connection. Regular visits or outings with friends and family, like taking a walk at a local park or sharing a meal once a week, can give you a break and something to look forward to.
  • Keep up with hobbies. This may be the last thing you feel like you have time for, but even 10 to 15 minutes a day of doing something just for yourself can have a lasting impact on your mindset.


Other Resources For Caregivers


There may be other caregiver support resources available to you that can help you take time for yourself, connect with others, and balance your responsibilities. These may include:

  • Respite care. This could range from in-home healthcare or adult day care options to give you a break for a few hours, to short-term nursing homes that can help if you need to travel or be away for a while.
  • Support groups. Connecting with other caregivers, whether virtually or in person, who know the pressure and responsibilities you’re coping with can help with feeling less alone.
  • Legal and financial support. Managing your loved one’s finances or medical decisions can be another source of stress. Seeking out professional advice can help lessen that load and provide peace of mind.


Finding Help


If you need support, Anthem has resources available to help:

  • For those with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Anthem, you can find professional, confidential counseling for you and your household members, including a set number of visits per issue per year at no extra cost. To begin, log in at *
  • The EAP through Anthem also has resources to help with locating support services, connecting with legal and financial professionals, and finding balance between caregiving commitments and everyday life.
  • To learn more about how your Anthem plan supports mental health, log in to or the SydneySM Health app or call the Member Services on your health plan ID card.




Cational Council on Aging: Caregiver Stress: The Impact on Physical Health (October 7, 2022):

Cleveland Clinic: Caregiver Burnout (August 16, 2023):

Mayo Clinic: Caregiver stress: Tips for taking care of yourself (August 9, 2023):


* These services are specific to those with an EAP through Anthem or an Anthem health plan. Similar services may differ with other health insurers or EAP providers. 


Online counseling is not appropriate for all kinds of problems. If you are in crisis or have suicidal thoughts, it’s important that you seek help immediately. Please call 988 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) and ask for help. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


EAP products are offered by Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Sydney Health is offered through an arrangement with Carelon Digital Platforms, a separate company offering mobile application services on behalf of your health plan. 


Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


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