How Much Does Medicare Part C Cost?

Medicare Part C Coverage Costs


The cost of Medicare Part C plans (also known as Medicare Advantage plans) varies depending on where you live and the plan you choose. Some plans have $0 monthly premiums. You still have to pay your Part A and Part B monthly premiums. For most people, Part A is free, and some Medicare Advantage plans can help cover part of your Part B premium. With a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan, you receive Original Medicare Part A and Part B coverage plus many other benefits.

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A Breakdown Of Your Medicare Part C Costs


Medicare Part C Monthly Premiums


The average monthly plan premium for all Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans, which includes Medicare Advantage-Prescription Drug (MAPD) plans, is projected to be $17.00 in 20251. You still have to pay for your Part A and Part B monthly premiums, though some Medicare Part C plans will help with your Part B premium.


Medicare Part C Deductibles


Like premiums, deductibles vary with your plan. Some Medicare Part C plans have separate deductibles for medical care and prescription drugs.


Medicare Part C Copays


Copays are a flat fee for medical services. Some Medicare Part C plans may have a higher copay for healthcare providers not in their plan (i.e., out of network).


Once you calculate the added benefits of a Medicare Part C plan, you may see the value that comes with this type of coverage. In fact, enrollment in MA is projected to be 35.7 million in 2025, an increase from 2024, with MA enrollment representing approximately 51% of all people enrolled in Medicare1.

What Does Medicare Part C Cover?


Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans offer all the benefits of Original Medicare Part A and Part B, plus additional coverage like:

  • Most Part C plans include Prescription drug coverage (Part D)
  • Routine dental care including cleanings, X-rays, and dentures
  • Routine vision care including contacts and glasses
  • Routine hearing care including hearing aids
  • Allowances for over-the-counter items
  • Fitness benefits including exercise classes

How Much Does Medicare Part C Cost Per Month?


Medicare Advantage (Part C) monthly premiums vary from plan to plan and state to state. But there are some basic factors that determine your Medicare Part C costs:

  • The monthly premium of your plan, which on average is projected to be $17.00 in 20251
  • How much of your Medicare Part B monthly premium your Medicare Part C plan covers
  • The amount of your copays and deductibles for various medical services

Who Is Eligible For Medicare Part C?


To be eligible for a Medicare Part C plan:

  • You must be enrolled in Original Medicare (Medicare Parts A and B)
  • You need a Medicare Part C insurance provider that’s offering the coverage you want during your enrollment periods


During enrollment, you can review pricing from Part C insurers such as Anthem and compare Medicare Part C plans. Balance your costs with the coverage that’s important to you.

Help With Your Medicare Part C Plan Costs


If you're having trouble finding an affordable plan, you have options. You can receive help with Medicare Part C costs through a Medicare Savings Program.


If you meet the requirements for low income, disability, or certain chronic health conditions and you are currently enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B, these state programs may help pay for Medicare Part A, Part B, and Part C premiums and other costs from your plan.

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1 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Programs to Remain Stable as CMS Implements Improvements to the Programs in 2025 | CMS


Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Medicare Advantage Plan members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services

Anthem Blue Cross, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare Contract, offers HMO, HMO D-SNP, HMO C-SNP, and HMO I-SNP plans. Anthem Blue Cross Partnership Plan, a Medicare Advantage Organization with a Medicare Contract, offers HMO and HMO-CSNP plans. Anthem Life and Health Insurance Company, a Medicare Advantage Organization with a Medicare Contract, offers LPPO, LPPO D-SNP, and LPPO C-SNP plans. Anthem Blue Cross HMO D-SNP plans and Anthem Life and Health Insurance Company LPPO D-SNP plans additionally contract with state Medicaid programs. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, a Medicare Advantage Organization with a Medicare Contract, offers LPPO plans.  Enrollment in an Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Partnership Plan, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company and Anthem Life and Health Insurance Company plans depend on contract renewal.