Supporting The LGBTQ+ Community
Feb 21,2024
Read Time 4 Minutes
June is Pride Month. It’s a time to celebrate and honor LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and other people who identify as part of this community) across the world.

People who identify as LGBTQ+ come from all walks of life. While being part of the LGBTQ+ community can be a source of strength, it can also present challenges. LGBTQ+ people face a higher risk for mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Whether you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community or know a friend, co-worker, or loved one that is, it’s important to be aware of these challenges and know what you can to do help yourself or others.
Ways You Can Be An Ally
Anyone can take steps to support the LGBTQ+ community, no matter your sexual orientation or gender identity. Making LGBTQ+ family members, friends, or co-workers feel heard and accepted for who they are can help bolster their mental health and feel comfortable in their skin. Here are a few ways we all can support LGBTQ+ people, according to and
Take time to learn. It’s OK if you don’t know or understand everything about what LGBTQ+ people go through. Make space to learn about LGTBQ+ issues, experiences, and challenges. A few good places to begin are PFLAG, the It Gets Better Project, the Human Rights Campaign, and The Trevor Project.
Respect LGBTQ+ identities. Be sensitive and respectful to all gender orientations and sexualities. Don’t assume that everyone is heterosexual and/or cisgender, meaning their gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. Use their chosen pronouns and inclusive language.
Be an active listener. Let them know you’re there for them and take time to listen to their feelings and experiences without judgment.
Speak up in a caring way. Words can hurt. If you hear others use insensitive language about LGBTQ+ people, say something. Speaking up helps educate others and may give someone else the courage to speak up in the future, too.
LGBTQ+ Resources
If you or a loved one need extra support, there are many resources and organizations dedicated to helping LGBTQ+ people navigate crisis, find mental health treatment, and advocate for their rights.
Mental Health America’s LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resource Center is a good place to start if you’re looking for LGBTQ+-friendly therapy or peer support. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has a list of crisis prevention hotlines for LGBTQ+ people, including hotlines and text options for LGBTQ+ youth through the Trevor Project and hotlines for the transgender community through the Trans Lifeline. HRC also has a detailed list of resources to help LGBTQ+ people navigate the healthcare system, including help understanding their patient rights and finding LGBTQ+-friendly doctors.
Seeking Therapy
If you know you have access to Anthem’s Employee Assistance Program, you can find professional, confidential counseling for you and your household members, including a set number of visits each year at no extra cost. You can also tap into more resources and support, including articles, videos, and podcasts on topics such as parenting LGBTQ+ children, LGBTQ+ legal rights, and bullying.
To begin, log in at with your company code. Call the EAP number listed on the home page for more information about your visits.
If you don’t have an EAP, you can still find a therapist in your Anthem health plan’s network. To look for therapists near you, log in and use the Find Care feature at or in the Sydney℠ Health app to search by location or specialty.
By taking time to listen, learn from, and support LGBTQ+ people during Pride Month and all year long, we can create a kinder, more equal world.
EAP products are offered by Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
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