New To Medicare? Start Your Journey Here

Whether you’re retiring soon or turning 65, we want you to feel confident in your move to Medicare. Learn what you need to get started, including the parts of Medicare, costs, and when to enroll.


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What Is Medicare?


Medicare is a federal health insurance program designed for people aged 65 or older and younger people with certain health conditions. It helps pay for hospital, medical, and other healthcare costs.

Understanding Parts A And B (Original Medicare)


Put simply, Medicare Part A is your hospital insurance and Medicare Part B is your medical insurance. Together, they’re known as Original Medicare.


Once you’re eligible for Medicare, signing up for Medicare Parts A and B is your first step. Most people apply through the Social Security Administration during their seven-month Initial Enrollment Period, which includes the three months before the month of their 65th birthday through the three months after their 65th birthday.


If you’re still working and have healthcare coverage via your employer, you may want to delay your Part B enrollment.

Read Our Eligibility And Enrollment Article 

Read Our Article About Enrollment When Turning 65 

Got a minute? Listen and Learn


What would you like to know about Medicare? These quick videos will guide you through the basics.

Got a minute? Listen and Learn

Working Past 65


Know the steps to take for Medicare if you're 65 and still working.

Original Medicare Coverage And Costs*


Medicare Parts A and B cover much of the healthcare you’ll need, but not everything. Here’s a quick summary:

Part A – Hospital Insurance

Part B – Medical Insurance

What it covers

Inpatient care including:


Hospital stays


Skilled nursing facility care




Some at-home care

Outpatient care including:


Physician visits


Lab tests




Preventive health appointments


Outpatient services


Durable medical equipment

Premium (monthly plan fee)


Per Month

For most people**



For most people

Deductibles (amount paid out of pocket before Medicare starts to pay)


Per inpatient hospital benefit period

Starts when you’re admitted for inpatient care and ends 60 days after your release from a hospital or a skilled nursing facility.



For most people

Copays/coinsurance (out of pocket costs per day or visit to a hospital or doctor)

Inpatient hospital stays per day:

for days 0-60 after deductible

per days 61-90

per days 91-150

After day 150 you pay all costs.

You generally pay:

Medicare-approved amount for the Medicare-covered services you use, with no annual out-of-pocket maximum.

Remaining amount paid by Medicare

Part A – Hospital Insurance

What it covers

Inpatient care including:


Hospital stays


Skilled nursing facility care




Some at-home care

Premium (monthly plan fee)


Per Month

For most people**

Deductibles (amount paid out of pocket before Medicare starts to pay)


Per inpatient hospital benefit period

Starts when you’re admitted for inpatient care and ends 60 days after your release from a hospital or a skilled nursing facility.

Copays/coinsurance (out of pocket costs per day or visit to a hospital or doctor)

Inpatient hospital stays per day:

for days 0-60 after deductible

per days 61-90

per days 91-150

After day 150 you pay all costs.

Part B – Medical Insurance

What it covers

Outpatient care including:


Physician visits


Lab tests




Preventive health appointments


Outpatient services


Durable medical equipment

Premium (monthly plan fee)



For most people

Deductibles (amount paid out of pocket before Medicare starts to pay)



For most people

Copays/coinsurance (out of pocket costs per day or visit to a hospital or doctor)

You generally pay:

Medicare-approved amount for the Medicare-covered services you use, with no annual out-of-pocket maximum.

Remaining amount paid by Medicare


*Costs listed are based on 2025 rates.

**Your Part A monthly premium will be $0 if you or your spouse had Social Security payroll deductions for at least 10 years.

Want More Coverage? You Have Options

Most people need additional coverage over Original Medicare. They typically select a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan, which help pay for more costs and may include additional benefits or programs. These plans are offered by private insurance companies, like Anthem. 


Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap)

These plans work with your Original Medicare plan to help cover out-of-pocket costs like deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. One important benefit is that these plans allow you to visit any doctor or facility that accepts Medicare patients,1 even while traveling.

Medicare Supplement plans do not include prescription drug coverage, so you may want to purchase a Part D plan.


Prescription Drug Plans (Medicare Part D)

Original Medicare only covers prescription drug costs for hospital or inpatient care. Part D prescription drug plans help cover costs for generic and brand name prescriptions, all recommended vaccines, and medical supplies for insulin injections. Stand-alone Part D plans can be added to Original Medicare or Medicare Supplement plans for an additional premium. Part D coverage is included in most Medicare Advantage plan benefits. You may also qualify for prescription drug assistance through the federal program, Extra Help .


Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans

Medicare Advantage plans are comprehensive plans with $0 or low monthly premiums. They provide all the coverage of Original Medicare plus additional benefits like prescription drug, dental, vision, and hearing coverage. They’re popular among those who want one plan for their needs.

If you’re eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, you could get a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) with benefits for little or no cost.

How To Choose What’s Right For You

Once you’ve signed up for Original Medicare, you can choose additional health coverage based on your needs. Compare the plans to find what’s best for you.

What's included

Parts A And B (Original Medicare)

Medicare Supplement (Medigap)

Medicare Advantage (Part C)

Hospital and medical insurance




Visit any doctor or hospital accepting Medicare patients


yes 1


Prescription drugs2




Limited annual out-of-pocket costs




Dental, vision, hearing coverage




Additional benefits like allowances for over-the-counter (OTC) supplies, groceries3,4, and utilities3,4 may be available



Many plans

$0 or low monthly premiums




Includes network of providers and pharmacies




Parts A And B (Original Medicare)

What's included

Hospital and medical insurance


Visit any doctor or hospital accepting Medicare patients


Prescription drugs2


Limited annual out-of-pocket costs


Dental, vision, hearing coverage


Additional benefits like allowances for over-the-counter (OTC) supplies, groceries3,4, and utilities3,4 may be available


$0 or low monthly premiums


Includes network of providers and pharmacies


Medicare Supplement (Medigap)

What's included

Hospital and medical insurance


Visit any doctor or hospital accepting Medicare patients

yes 1

Prescription drugs2


Limited annual out-of-pocket costs


Dental, vision, hearing coverage


Additional benefits like allowances for over-the-counter (OTC) supplies, groceries3,4, and utilities3,4 may be available


$0 or low monthly premiums


Includes network of providers and pharmacies


Medicare Advantage (Part C)

What's included

Hospital and medical insurance


Visit any doctor or hospital accepting Medicare patients


Prescription drugs2


Limited annual out-of-pocket costs


Dental, vision, hearing coverage


Additional benefits like allowances for over-the-counter (OTC) supplies, groceries3,4, and utilities3,4 may be available

Many plans

$0 or low monthly premiums


Includes network of providers and pharmacies


Learn Medicare Basics


Medicare doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Boost your knowledge and confidence with our free guide, or read our articles.


Frequently Asked Questions For People Who Are New To Medicare

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Original Medicare: Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance).

1Medicare Select Plans are the exception. For non-emergency services covered by Medicare, you must use a hospital in our Select hospital network to receive full benefits.

2If the plan type does not include prescription drugs, you can add a standalone Part D plan for an additional premium.


3Members may receive a monthly or quarterly allowance in the form of a benefits prepaid card to pay for a wide range of approved groceries and utilities. Unused amounts will expire at the end of the month or quarter. Benefits vary by plan.

4Depending on your plan, the benefits listed may be available through the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model or to eligible members as Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI). You may qualify for SSBCI if you have a high risk for hospitalization and require intensive care coordination to manage chronic conditions such as Chronic Kidney Diseases, Chronic Lung Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Chronic Heart Failure, or Diabetes. For a full list of chronic conditions or to learn more about other eligibility requirements needed to qualify for SSBCI benefits, please refer to Chapter 4 in the plan’s Evidence of Coverage.


The Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. This is a benefits card that can only be used at certain Mastercard merchants participating in this program and will be authorized for qualified purchases as set forth in your Terms and Conditions. Valid only in the U.S. No cash access. Other languages are available upon request.


Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, a Medicare Advantage Organization with a Medicare Contract in Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Ohio and Wisconsin, offer HMO, HMO D-SNP, HMO C-SNP, HMO I-SNP, LPPO, LPPO D-SNP and/or RPPO. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers PDP plans in Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield HMO D-SNP and LPPO D-SNP plans contract with state Medicaid programs. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Retiree Solutions, a Medicare Organization with a Medicare Contract in New York, offers LPPO plans. Enrollment in Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Retiree Solutions plans depend on contract renewal.

For Medicare Supplement only: Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.