Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans From Anthem

A prescription drug plan (Medicare Part D) with Anthem can help you save money on your medications. We have plan options with low copays, extensive drug coverage, and you can go to pharmacies across the U.S.

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Choose 2025 if shopping for coverage beginning January 1, 2025.

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Choose The Right Prescription Plan For You


Original Medicare doesn’t include drug coverage. Part D standalone plans or Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug benefits offer comprehensive medication and vaccine coverage, low copays, competitive premiums, a national pharmacy network, and more.

Standalone Part D Plans

Whether you have Original Medicare or a Medicare Supplement plan, you can purchase a stand-alone Part D plan to complement your coverage.

This could be a good fit if you’re satisfied with your Original Medicare or Medicare Supplement coverage and want to cover your medications and lower your prescription costs. 

All-In-One Plans

You also can purchase a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan that includes Part D prescription drug benefits, plus hospital, medical, dental, vision, and hearing coverage – all in one plan.


Many prefer Medicare Advantage plus Part D to conveniently manage their healthcare and prescriptions with a single plan.


Compare Part D MediBlue Rx Plan Options


If you’re considering a standalone Part D plan, use this overview to help you decide which one is right for you.


Anthem MediBlue Rx Standard Part D Plan*

Anthem MediBlue Rx Plus Part D Plan*

Recommended For …

Those who take fewer medications

Those who take multiple medications

Monthly Premium



Annual Prescription Deductible

Tiers 1 - 5


Tiers 1 and 2



Tiers 3 - 5

$120 - $590

Copay Costs

Low copays for most generic drugs at preferred pharmacies

Low copays for most generic drugs at preferred pharmacies

Covered Drugs

Many brand-name and generics

Wider range of brand-name and generics

Network Pharmacies


62,000 +


Preferred Cost-Sharing Pharmacies (Lower Drug Costs)

27,000 +


62,000 +


Preferred Cost-Sharing Pharmacies (Lower Drug Costs)

27,000 +

Preferred Retail Chains

Includes Albertsons, CVS Pharmacy, Costco, Giant Eagle Pharmacy, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, H-E-B Pharmacy, Kinney Drugs, Kroger, Publix, Roundy's, Safeway, and Walmart 

Includes Albertsons, CVS Pharmacy, Costco, Giant Eagle Pharmacy, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, H-E-B Pharmacy, Kinney Drugs, Kroger, Publix, Roundy's, Safeway, and Walmart 

Mail Order Option



Network details, deductibles, copays, and premiums may change year to year. Costs reflect 2025 rates.


*In Missouri only, Blue MedicareRx Value and Blue MedicareRx Plus.

Anthem MediBlue Rx Standard Part D Plan*


Recommended For …

Those who take fewer medications

Monthly Premium


Annual Prescription Deductible

Tiers 1 - 5


Copay Costs

Low copays for most generic drugs at preferred pharmacies

Covered Drugs

Many brand-name and generics

Network Pharmacies


62,000 +


Preferred Cost-Sharing Pharmacies (Lower Drug Costs)

27,000 +

Preferred Retail Chains

Includes Albertsons, CVS Pharmacy, Costco, Giant Eagle Pharmacy, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, H-E-B Pharmacy, Kinney Drugs, Kroger, Publix, Roundy's, Safeway, and Walmart 

Mail Order Option


Network details, deductibles, copays, and premiums may change year to year. Costs reflect 2025 rates.


*In Missouri only, Blue MedicareRx Value and Blue MedicareRx Plus.

Anthem MediBlue Rx Plus Part D Plan*


Recommended For …

Those who take multiple medications

Monthly Premium


Annual Prescription Deductible

Tiers 1 and 2



Tiers 3 - 5

$120 - $590

Copay Costs

Low copays for most generic drugs at preferred pharmacies

Covered Drugs

Wider range of brand-name and generics

Network Pharmacies


62,000 +


Preferred Cost-Sharing Pharmacies (Lower Drug Costs)

27,000 +

Preferred Retail Chains

Includes Albertsons, CVS Pharmacy, Costco, Giant Eagle Pharmacy, Harris Teeter Pharmacy, H-E-B Pharmacy, Kinney Drugs, Kroger, Publix, Roundy's, Safeway, and Walmart 

Mail Order Option


Network details, deductibles, copays, and premiums may change year to year. Costs reflect 2025 rates.


*In Missouri only, Blue MedicareRx Value and Blue MedicareRx Plus.

Smart Tip: If you need financial assistance, check to see if you qualify for Extra Help, a federal program that helps you pay for drug coverage.

Check Prescriptions, Costs, And Pharmacies


Before you enroll, use our tool to look up your prescriptions and their costs. You can customize your search selections to fit your specific needs and find out which pharmacies are nearby.

Avoid A Late Enrollment Penalty


Be sure to consider your Part D enrollment options during your Initial Enrollment Period or when you're first eligible for Medicare. If you don’t have creditable prescription coverage via an employer or another source, you could receive a monthly Part D late enrollment penalty.

Medication Therapy Management


If you’re managing complex medical needs and take multiple medications, you might be eligible for the Medication Therapy Management program. It’s a free program that will help you and your doctor make sure you’re getting the best results from your medications.


Medicare Part D Glossary Of Terms


Here are common terms you may run into when comparing Medicare Part D plans.

Drug Plan Exceptions

You and your doctor have the right to request exceptions set by your drug plan. You can request exceptions from step therapy and quantity limits, or request a lower cost-sharing amount for some drugs.

Drug Tiers

Some plans no longer have pricing tiers for drugs. For those that do, the majority of generic drugs fall into the lowest tiers and are the most affordable. Brand name and specialty drugs may be in higher tiers that cost more.


Most plans have a formulary, which is a list of drugs the plan covers. While there are many drugs Medicare requires Part D plans to cover, you still want a plan that fits your personal prescription needs.

Prior Authorization

Some drugs, and certain amounts of some drugs, require your doctor to obtain prior approval and submit documentation of medical necessity before they can be covered by your plan.

Quantity Limits

For safety reasons, your plan may limit the amount of medication you can receive at one time. If your prescription is in excess of safety guidelines or refilled too soon, your doctor may need to contact us for approval.

Step Therapy

Step therapy helps keep costs down while ensuring you get effective drugs. For some health conditions, the plan requires you to try a less costly, clinically effective drug before “stepping up” to a more costly one.

Frequently Asked Questions About Part D

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Read Our Medicare Articles

Get more details about Medicare Part D and important cost considerations. You can also take a deeper dive into other articles offering detailed information about Medicare plans, benefits, eligibility, enrollment, and more.

Learn About Plans In Your State

If your state isn't listed, visit for other coverage options.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, a Medicare Advantage Organization with a Medicare Contract in Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Ohio and Wisconsin, offer HMO, HMO D-SNP, HMO C-SNP, HMO I-SNP, LPPO, LPPO D-SNP and/or RPPO. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers PDP plans in Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield HMO D-SNP and LPPO D-SNP plans contract with state Medicaid programs. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Retiree Solutions, a Medicare Organization with a Medicare Contract in New York, offers LPPO plans. Enrollment in Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Retiree Solutions plans depend on contract renewal.