Looking for a doctor, hospital or specialist?

You can search for doctors, dentists, hospitals and specialists in English and Spanish at anthem.com.
You can search by plan type, specialty, location or gender. Learn about:
- The language the doctor speaks
- Their board certification, skills and training. Also, Member Services can help you determine the Provider’s name, address, telephone number, professional qualifications, specialty, medical school attended, and board certifications. To verify Medical School, go directly to the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) website at https://www.fsmb.org/ . From the FSMB landing page, Click on “Find a Doctor”, and then enter search criteria.
You can also use the online directories to help family members who are turning 18 and are ready to move to adult care.
If you want to learn more about a doctor in our network, call Member Services at the number on your ID card. If you don’t have Internet access, Member Services can search the Web for you and then mail or send you a fax with information about network providers.