Find Care

Find a doctor in your plan and learn about programs that will help you and your family get better care.

Find a Doctor, Hospital, Lab or Other Provider


Select a panel below to show instructions and links you can use to search for a doctor, hospital, laboratory, or other provider. Don't forget — using a Preferred Provider can save you money!

LiveHealth Online and LiveHealth Online Psychology


LiveHealth Online connects you to board certified clinicians by two-way video, 24/7, in English or Spanish. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a camera.


Schedule an appointment by logging in to LiveHealth Online or over the phone 1-888-LiveHealth (1-888-548-3432) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

How to Avoid Higher Out-of-Pocket Costs


Using a Preferred Provider that is in your plan can save you money on copays and other costs such as coinsurance. Here are some tips on how to find them using our search tool.

Getting Better Care


Resources that can help you search for an urgent care center that is in your plan, get immediate advice from a registered nurse, and stay healthy.


Find an ER alternative: Urgent Care/Walk-In Centers  


  About 24/7 NurseLine

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