
Introducing AFL-CIO Medicare Advantage group plans, provided by Anthem

Comprehensive coverage available exclusively to retired union members

AFL-CIO Medicare Advantage plans are available exclusively to retired union members and their spouses/partners and cannot be found or bought on the open Medicare market. View your Medicare Advantage enrollment guide to learn more about Medicare Advantage versus Original Medicare, as well as the differences between Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D.


You can also review our FAQ to learn more about the programs available to you.

Medicare Advantage plan benefits include:

Nationwide access to providers and care.

Telehealth and other virtual care options.

Your benefits cover more when you use in-network doctors and hospitals.

Hearing and vision coverage.

Brand-name prescription drug coverage.

Value-added resources, such as SilverSneakers® gym memberships.

Your plan enrollment guide

See plan details.

Review frequently asked questions about each plan.

Look at benefit charts..

Access enrollment instructions and an enrollment form.

Benefits that work for you


These Medicare Advantage plans come with health resources and benefits beyond what Original Medicare provides. These offerings include:


 A $0 copay for an annual wellness visit.


 National Access Plus, which allows you to see any doctor who accepts Medicare and our plans. You're not tied to a provider network, and you pay the same copay or coinsurance percentage whether your provider is in or out of the plan's network.


 Access to discounts and special offers from our healthy living partners.


 A $0 copay for Select Generics prescription drugs.


 Prescription drug benefits with an extensive covered drug list.


These plans are entirely voluntary. Members will be responsible for their monthly premiums.

Understanding your care options

Our Medicare Advantage plans provide you care options 24/7 — in person, virtually, or over the phone.


The plans also bring you resources such as:

Find Care

24/7 NurseLine

LiveHealth Online

Travel emergency assistance worldwide

To find an in-person doctor or specialist in your plan's network, please visit Find Care and select Guests.

Wondering if a prescription drug is covered?

View the top 50 most commonly used drugs covered by our plans in your enrollment guide.


Enrollment in our plans

To enroll in a plan, access your enrollment guide and mail the completed enrollment form to the address noted. You may also fill it out digitally and email it to the email address on the form. If you'd like a hard copy, please call the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield First Impressions line at 833-371-1160 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Contact us

The answers to your questions are just a phone call away.


To learn more about plan features:


Call the Anthem First Impressions Welcome Team at 833-371-1160, TTY: 711, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, except holidays.

To learn more about enrollment or cost:


Call Benistar Admin Services, your plan sponsor's administrator, at 844-235-3787, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

To learn more about finding care:


If you've already enrolled and have benefit questions or need help finding care, call the Member Services number on the back of your plan membership card.

For local union leaders

A national solution for your local market

We are excited to offer richer benefit choices to Medicare-eligible retirees through our Medicare Advantage plans. They provide additional value to members without burdening local plan sponsors.


You can find more information about the plans in our:



These materials can be downloaded and emailed to your eligible retirees to promote engagement. If you need hard copies of the materials or have questions about the plans, communicating to your retirees, or general enrollment, please reach out to your Benistar plan administrator at 855-694-6942.