Welcome, City of San José!


We are pleased to offer City of San José employees and retirees a suite of health coverage options. Whether you are an active employee, a non-Medicare or Medicare retiree – we’ve got you covered. Please scroll down to find the specific coverage type that applies to you. In each section, you will find all the plan information, helpful flyers and specific member services contact information for your coverage type. If you need help, please contact our Concierge, Tanya Astar, at 408-794-1044 or via email at tanya.astar@anthem.com.


2025 Open Enrollment information is listed below:

Pre-Enrollment Information: Active Employees


This section includes information Active Employees can use to help choose an Anthem Blue Cross medical plan during Open Enrollment.


Contact Us

Below is all the information on your specific plan coverage.

Please contact the below numbers if you have questions about one of the plans:

HMO – (833) 913 -2245
PPO – (844) 963 – 0448
HSA Compatible Plans – (844) 860 – 3535



Open Enrollment Guide


  2025 Open Enrollment Guide


Find a Doctor


  Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO w/H.S.A


  Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO w/o H.S.A


Please note that the Anthem assigned PCP ID# is the number the City employee inputs in eWay. If a City employee enters the “National Provider Identifier," or NPI into eWay instead of the PCP ID#, then they will be auto-assigned to a PCP. The NPI is issued by the Federal Government to identify health care providers. Anthem's system only recognizes the PCP ID# at the time of enrollment.



2025 Plan Documents


  2025 Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  2025 Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  2025 Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  2025 Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  2025 Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  2025 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO w HSA


  2025 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO HSA Compatible



2024 Plan Documents


  2024 Anthem Infertility Rider HMO


  2024 Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  2024 Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  2024 Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  2024 Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  2024 Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  2024 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO w HSA



Please refer to the City of San Jose 2025 Open Enrollment Website, https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments-offices/human-resources/benefits/open-enrollment-2025



Resources and Tools


  Making the Most of Your Health Savings Account (HSA)


  LiveHealth Online


  24/7 NurseLine


  Transition Assistance Program FAQ


  Sydney Mobile App


  FAQ: Anthem Blue Cross Plans & Benefits


  Learn to Live


  Diabetes Prevention Program


  Away from Home Guest Membership


  Building Healthy Families flyer

Pre-Enrollment Information: Non-Medicare Retirees


This section includes information Non-Medicare Retirees can use to choose an Anthem Blue Cross medical plan during Open Enrollment.



Contact Us


Below is all the information on your specific plan coverage.

Please contact the below numbers if you have questions about one of the plans:

HMO – (833) 913 -2245
PPO – (844) 963 – 0448
HSA Compatible Plans – (844) 860 – 3535



Open Enrollment Guide


  2025 Open Enrollment Guide



Find Care


  Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO


Please note that the Anthem assigned PCP ID# is the number the City employee inputs in eWay. If a City employee enters the “National Provider Identifier," or NPI into eWay instead of the PCP ID#, then they will be auto-assigned to a PCP. The NPI is issued by the Federal Government to identify health care providers. Anthem's system only recognizes the PCP ID# at the time of enrollment.



2025 Plan Documents


  2025 Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  2025 Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  2025 Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  2025 Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  2025 Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  2025 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO w HSA


  2025 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO HSA Compatible


2024 Plan Documents


  2024 Anthem $20 Copay Select HMO


  2024 Anthem $20 Copay Traditional HMO


  2024 Anthem $100 Deductible Classic PPO


  2024 Anthem $100 Deductible Select PPO


  2024 Anthem $1500 Deductible Select HMO


  2024 Anthem $2500 Deductible Classic PPO HSA Compatible





For information on rates, visit the City of San Jose Retirement Services website



Resources and Tools


  Making the Most of Your Health Savings Account (HSA)


  LiveHealth Online


  24/7 NurseLine


  Transition Assistance Program FAQ


  Sydney Mobile App


  FAQ: Anthem Blue Cross Plans & Benefits


  Learn to Live


  Diabetes Prevention Program


  Away from Home Guest Membership


  Building Healthy Families flyer

Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans


In this section, you will find helpful information on your coverage options to help you choose the best Medicare Advantage plan for your needs. Continue scrolling down to view member plan information. If you have any questions, please call our First Impressions Welcome Team at 1-833-848-8729 Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET except holidays.



2025 Plan Information


  2025 Enrollment guide


  2025 Part A&B Welcome guide


  2025 Part B Welcome guide


  2025 Part A&B PPO Evidence of Coverage


  2025 Part B PPO Evidence of Coverage